domingo, 2 de diciembre de 2012

About the author

Biography of Robert Louis StevensonNació on November 13, 1850 in Edinburgh. Raised in a wealthy family, his father was an engineer, he studied at the university of his native city. Since childhood he felt inclined to literature. Influenced by the narrative of Sir Walter Scott, many of his stories are set in the Middle Ages but perhaps the Pacific literature that explore space more fruicción. Suffering from tuberculosis, he was forced to travel constantly in search of suitable climates to his poor health. His first published writings are descriptions of some of these trips. Thus, inland Travel (1878) has a canoe trip through France and Belgium had done in 1876, and travel by donkey Cevannes (1879) avatars of a walking trip through the mountains of southern France, in 1878. One of his later trips led him on an emigrant ship to California (1879-1880), where, in 1880, he married the American divorcee Fanny Osbourne. Another of them was on a pleasure cruise through the South Pacific (1889) to the Samoan Islands, where he and his wife remained until 1894, in a last effort to regain health writer. The natives gave the name of Tusitala ('which tells stories'). There he died later that same year, with 44 years died of a cerebral hemorrhage on December 3, and was buried on top of a mountain, near Valima, Samoan home.

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